Akuan Sweet Spicy Broad Noodles

These are Korean noodles made by a company called 'A'kuan (full name: "Sichuan Baijia Akuan Food Industrial Co.,Ltd.").
These are stylised as Korean noodles but i suspect they are exactly the same as the Chinese branded counterpart listed on their site.
I picked them up at my local supermarket for AUD$6.50 on a whim. They came in a pack of 4.


The taste was pleasant
These are simple to cook: boil water, add noodles, wait a bit, drain and then mix in the sauce.
These broad types of noodles tend to be become gelatinous if over cooked.
Despite it being branded as "sweet spicy flavour" I did not detect any sweetness.
The key flavour was peanut butter mixed in with chilli and sesame. I also detected subtle flavours of onion/garlic/vinegar.
It was not overly spicy.
overall value was average.

The Spice-O-meter


The Value-O-meter
