Yum Yum Shrimp Flavoured Noodles
"Yum Yum Shrimp Flavoured Noodles" are a type of box noodles made in Thailand.
They are sold under the brand "yumyum" which is run by "Wan Thia Food CO, LTD" and "Ajinomoto Co., Inc" since the 70s.
Their website exhibits a series on their production process which features their manufacturing plant located in Bangkok.
Their product offering (as listed on the site) seems limited compared to other manufacturers.
I got these for a discount price of 75c. I think they usually go for about AUD$4.00.
Not bad. Mostly mild in flavour.
I had a seafood smell from the prawns and a laksa type sauce.
It was a little sweet and had no detectable chilli taste.
The Noodles were low quality but OK and the dehydrated vegetable packet was small.
The shrimp have a strong seafood taste and they were not chewy.
It also contained small slices of ginger which gave some bites a nice kick.
Overall, surprisingly good.